Twitter is breaking the 140 character limit!
Twitter has recently announced that direct messaging limits will be bumped up from 140 characters to 10,000 characters. This update will begin rolling out in July. No official date has been released.
When it comes to the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for local search results, Google is king- period.
Using Google’s URL shorting service to “deep link” directly to content in your business’s Android or IOS app.
Are you using Twitter for your business?
Are you trying to improve customer communication and satisfaction?
Are you leveraging Twitter’s direct messaging update for customer service?!
Twitter’s newest direct messaging update is making it possible!!
Branding is more than having a logo designed. Every thought, every action, every policy, every ad, every marketing promotion has the effect of either inspiring or deterring brand loyalty in whomever is exposed to it. Even the way a client is treated when they enter your establishment is part of your brand.
Want to boost the impact your Facebook page has? Add some custom tabs!
What is a custom tab? tabs are icons that link to additional pages on Facebook. You can use them to display text, photos, images, links, forms, or redirect to a URL.
While not every office can throw away their server and still function smoothly, it is true that many small and medium-sized offices no longer need the extra expense of a server. Cloud computing has advanced to a level that many offices work even better in the cloud environment.
There are three main ways to promote your website on the Internet: Social Media, Pay-per-click, and off-page SEO. Each of these methods has it’s own strengths and weaknesses. Understanding how they work will help you put together an Internet marketing plan that will work for your business without straining your budget or your time. Read on for some pros and cons of each.
First, I want to apologize for there not being any blog posts last week (or Tuesday of this week.) I got hit up beside the head with a pretty vicious flu bug and it knocked me down for a few days.
Today’s post will be for all of our Facebook friends out there. We’ll take a quick look at the five most common (or biggest) scams (or hoaxes) that seem to persist on Facebook.
January is a great time to go over your website and social media channels. The Internet is an ever-changing medium and every business’s Internet presence should reflect that.